Irish Setters & Afghan Hounds

Champions Thendara Pot Noodle & Gwendariff Whippersnapper

As we all enter these very uncertain times I would like to share a reflection of happier days !
Over the last few years our breed has been fortunate to have a few beautiful dogs which have deservedly swept the board!

But, Noodle & Nils ( CHAMPIONS. Thendara Pot Noodle & Gwendariff Whippersnapper) both TOP DOGS have battled the top honours on many occasions amassing between then over 60 CC’s
Quite incidentally both kennels had decided that this 2020 Crufts would be the last time these beautiful boys would grace the worlds greatest dog shows rings.
I would like to share with you the happy photos of our two boys and their proud breeders together, enjoying and sharing each other’s amazing achievements.

Hopefully we may be out occasionally at a few shows!
I hope you enjoy, we are certainly extremely proud of their contribution to Irish Setters.
Thank you Laura Kolbach & Lindsey Dewar for capturing our joy